Weekly Bridge Quiz

Goren Bridge

Bob Jones

  1. Neither vulnerable, as South, you hold:
    ♠10 5 2   8 6 5 2    K Q 7 4    ♣ K 9
    Partner opens one no trump, 15-17, and right-hand opponent passes. What call would you make?
    This hand is not quite worth an invitation. Pass. Stayman might find a superior heart fit, but failing to find one might get you too high.
  2. North-South vulnerable, as South, you hold:
    ♠A 5 4 K J 9 6    K 10 4    ♣ 7 5 4
    Two passes to you in third seat. What call would you make?
    This is a one-bid hand, so bid your best suit. Open 1. Opening a goodish four-card major in third position is acceptable, even for five-card major players.
  3. East-West vulnerable, as South, you hold:
    ♠Q J 6   K Q 10 7 6    A 10 3 2    ♣5

    South West North East
    1 Pass 3 Pass

    10-11 points, four-card support
    What call would you make?

    When the invitation promises four-card support, we think it should be accepted with any hand that includes a singleton, even a point-count minimum. Bid 4.
  4. Both vulnerable, as South, you hold:
    ♠ A Q 9 8 5    K 6    —    ♣ A J 10 9 6 2

    South West North East
    1♣ Pass 1 Pass

    What call would you make?

    This is a good hand, but don’t go jumping around. You will need to rebid your spades to describe your distribution, so leave room to do that. Bid 1♠.
  5. North-South vulnerable, as South, you hold:
    ♠A 3 2   A K Q 7 2  K 8 2    ♣4 2
    As dealer, what call would you make?
    Charles Goren would have opened 1, but a 1NT opening with a five-card major has become routine in the modern game. Bid one 1NT.
  6. East-West vulnerable, as South, you hold:
    ♠K J 7 6    A K 8 4   K 10    ♣10 5 2

    South West North East
    1♣ Pass 1 Pass

    What call would you make?

    This is a matter of style and system. Should your partnership respond in a major suit anytime you hold one, then a 1NT rebid is correct. Traditional “up the line” bidders should bid 1.

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