Weekly Bridge Quiz

Goren Bridge

Bob Jones

  1. Neither vulnerable, as South, you hold:
    ♠ Q J 7 5
    A K 6
    J 7 2
    ♣ J 10 4
    As dealer, what call would you make?
    Should we open, partner will force to game with a balanced 12-count of his own, and the resulting contract won’t be pretty. We want 13 points to open with the worst distribution, so we would pass.
  2. North-South vulnerable, as South, you hold::
    ♠ 2
    9 8 6 2
    A K Q 10 8 5 4
    ♣ Q

    North East South West
    1 2* ?

    *Spades and a minor, at least 5-5
    What call would you make?

    At this vulnerability, it’s easy to see the opponents competing to 4♠, perhaps five. We can go to 5 on our own, but the next decision will be up to partner. Bid 3. It should help him make that decision.
  3. East-West vulnerable, as South, you hold:
    ♠ A K
    Q 6 5 4 3
    J 9
    ♣ A J 10 7
    As dealer, what call would you make?
    Opening 1NT would not be a sin, but we prefer to show our distribution when it seems likely that we’ll be able to do so. Bid 1.
  4. Both vulnerable, as South, you hold:
    ♠ K Q 4 2
    A K 9 7 5 3
    ♣ 10 3

    South West North East
    1 Dbl Pass 1NT

    What call would you make?

    All the warning signs are there. It is too dangerous to bid. Pass
  5. North-South vulnerable, as South, you hold:
    ♠ J 5
    A J
    K Q 10 7
    ♣ A 10 5 4 2
    Right-hand opponent opens 1♣. What call would you make?
    It was rude of RHO to pick off your longest suit, but you have another pretty good suit to fall back on. Bid 1.
  6. East-West vulnerable, as South, you hold:
    ♠ K Q J 6
    Q 10 8 3
    K J 6 5
    ♣ 5

    South West North East
    1 Pass 2 Dbl

    What call would you make?

    If anyone is to bid the third diamond, it should be partner. You should be relishing the chance to defend two of a major. Pass.

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