
♠ Q 8 6 3 2
J 6
10 4
♣ K J 4 2
♠ A
A K 7 4 2
A 3
♣ A Q 7 5 3
West North East South
Pass 2 Pass 2
Pass 2♠ Pass 3♣
Pass 4♣ Pass 4NT
Pass 5 Pass 6♣
All Pass

North’s bids of 2♠ and 4♣ suggested a modest hand with least four clubs and at most two hearts. South was happy to be in slam as long as North the ♣K, which was shown by the 5 response to the 4NT enquiry.

West led a low diamond. Declarer took East’s K with the ace and continued by cashing the ace and king of trumps, discovering that East had started with three. As he had to develop a long trick in hearts, declarer cashed the ace and king of hearts, then ruffed a heart in dummy with the jack of trumps. East’s discard of a diamond meant that it was useless to ruff a second heart in dummy. Instead, when declarer returned to hand with the ♠A and played another heart, he threw dummy’s 10 on it, allowing West to win the trick, as East parted with a second diamond.

Declarer ruffed the spade continuation low in hand then ruffed a diamond in dummy. All that remained now was to ruff a spade in hand, draw East’s remaining trump with the queen and cash the established heart for his 12th trick. The full deal:

♠ Q 8 6 3 2
J 6
10 4
♣ K J 4 2
♠ 10 5 4
Q 9 5 3
Q 9 8 6 2
♣ 8
♠ K J 9 7
10 8
K J 7 5
♣ 10 9 6
♠ A
A K 7 4 2
A 3
♣ A Q 7 5 3

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