Puzzle This


♠ A Q 3
6 5 2
K J 10 9
♣ 7 6 5
♠ K J 9 8 7 6 2
A Q 4
♣ K 4 2
West North East South
Dbl 2♠ Pass 4♠
All Pass

Against your 4♠, West, who made a takeout double, leads the ♠4 as East follows. Can you guarantee your contract?

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♠ A Q 3
6 5 2
K J 10 9
♣ 7 6 5
♠ Q J 10 9 8
K J 4 2
♣ Q 9 8
♠ 7 5
Q 8 7 6
10 6 2
♣ K J 10 2
♠ K J 9 8 7 6 2
A Q 4
♣ K 4 2

You start with eight tricks (seven spades and the A), so you need just two more. The double warns you, however, that the heart finesse likely isn’t working and that the ♣A is probably offside. What to do?

Dummy’s diamonds can be of use. Win the first trick in dummy and play the K, pitching a club from your hand. West wins the trick, but he can’t hurt you. A heart or a club return will give you a ninth trick, while a trump exit allows you to win in dummy and run the J, discarding a heart. When West wins this, dummy’s diamonds will be good.

How do you get to dummy at that point, you ask? With the ♠2 to dummy’s ♠3. You did remember to save the ♠2 at trick one, didn’t you?

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