Player roundup: Goals

Player roundup: Goals
As 2019 comes to a close, some of us are looking forward to what we’d like to accomplish next year in bridge or in life. Daily Bulletin staff wandered through the playing areas on Friday asking people this question: What is your goal for 2020? Here are their answers.

Andy Hung

“I want to play more international events and do well in the Olympiad.”
Andy Hung
Australian trials winner

Jill Hunter

“I started a business. My goal is to make a million dollars in revenue. You didn’t say it had to be a realistic goal.”
Jill Hunter
Boston MA

Joann Glasson

“My goal for 2020 is to make the ACBL Board more efficient and effective.”
Joann Glasson
District 4 director
Pennington NJ

Barry Rigal

“To get through a bridge session with Glenn [Milgrim] without forgetting a single convention.”
Barry Rigal
New York NY

Molly Hamilton

“I have the goal to be a Life Master.”
Molly Hamilton
Dallas TX

Sylvia Riewerts

“To make Gold Life Master. I’m at 2360.”
Sylvia Riewerts
Milwaukie OR

Jean Barry

“Become a Grand Life Master.”
Jean Barry
Livermore CA

Tony Mason

“To look after my health and mental health more.”
Tony Mason
Oakland CA

Dee Poujade

“To improve my bridge game.”
Dee Poujade
Portland OR

Jason Leith

“To justifiably be confident about my career change. I’m going into clinical psychology from physics.”
Jason Leith
Oakland CA

Sarah Youngquist

“I’m hopefully going to be playing in the World Junior Championships and I’d like to medal.”
Sarah Youngquist
Palo Alto CA

Jacek Pszczola

“I would like to win the Vanderbilt. And I hope that our sponsor is healthy enough to play with us.”
Jacek “Pepsi” Pszczola
Chapel Hill NC

Joe Grue

“To do better than losing in the round of 32 in every event. To do well in the four major events.”
Joe Grue
New York NY

Donna Compton

“My 2020 goal for my club is to gross 10,000 tables and be in the top 10 bridge clubs in North America.”
Donna Compton
Dallas TX

Janice Seamon-Molson

“To win a national event, which I haven’t done in four years and I’m f—ing sick of it.”
Janice Seamon-Molson
Hollywood FL

Amy Casanova

“To do better than the year before.”
Amy Casanova
Portland OR

Michael Becker

“To play in all three nationals. I only have a partner for one tournament.”
Michael Becker
Boca Raton FL

Sylvia Shi

“I would like to win the Mixed Team trials with my husband.”
Sylvia Shi
Las Vegas NV

Rick Beye

“To read all of the New York Times Best 10 books of 2019.”
Rick Beye
Tournament director
St. Louis MO

Paul Davis

“I would like to be a Life Master in 2020. I need to do better than today.”
Paul Davis
Mountain View CA

Ron Smith

“I want to win 2000 points again and go to a lot of foreign tournaments.”
Ron Smith
Chicago IL

Margaret Taylor

“To be healthy.”
Margaret Taylor
Ottawa ON

Hal Montgomery

“I want to win a national event.”
Hal Montgomery
Portland OR

Finn Kolesnik

“To win a national.”
Finn Kolesnik
Ventura CA

Luc Tijssen

Luc Tijssen
Fontys University student

Martha Hawley

“I would like to break 2000 points this year.”
Martha Hawley
Carmel Valley CA

Judy Argento

“It would be nice if I could learn to count.”
Judy Argento
Naples FL

Leah Kayter

“Get out of California.”
Leah Khayter
Belmont CA
originally from Boston

Laurent Thuillez

“I want to play on the French Mixed Team.”
Laurent Thuillez

Jeanette Bonifas

“Be healthy.”
Jeanette Bonifas
San Francisco CA

Katherine Morris

“To eliminate some errors in my game.”
Katharine Morris

Bob Hamman

“To get to it.”
Bob Hamman
Dallas TX

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