Juniors: US Challenges France

junior challenge

Given the cancellation of the world junior championships, a junior “Europa Championship” was held for players who were eligible last year in the under age 16 classification with France emerging as the winner.

The US juniors, under the auspices of the USBF Junior Program, have issued a challenge to the French team which has been accepted. (Think Ryder Cup for those who follow golf.)

On Saturday September 18 and September 25, starting at 6pm Paris time, noon New York, the match will take place (26 boards each day) on RealBridge with contemporaneous kibitzing. Christophe Oursel is NPC for France and Dave Caprera is NPC for the US. Kibitzing is at kibitz.realbridge.online.

Please come and cheer on the team of your choice and the future of bridge.

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