Episode 28

Hi, my name is John McAllister. I have spent the past six years playing bridge all around the world. My goal is to win a world championship. Doing so requires getting into the minds of the world’s best players.

I can not think of a better, more fun way to do so, than to interview great bridge players and share their insights in podcast format.


While Scott Hoffer professes to be the worst player yet to appear on The Setting Trick, he caught my attention as the developer of an iOS app called Tricky Bridge. Presently only available on iPhones and iPads, Tricky Bridge has become my go to destination for anyone who is interested in learning the game. The ACBL Education Foundation helped make the app’s series of 37 beginners lessons free. Hat’s off to both the Ed Foundation and Scott, you’ve answered one of my prayers!

Search “The Setting Trick” on your preferred listening platform or click on one of the links below.
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/scott-hoffer/id1345780835?i=1000500503818
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/john-mcallister-221670174/28-scott-hoffer

Or read the transcript

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