Board vacates titles

At its meetings in Las Vegas earlier this week, the ACBL Board of Directors voted to remove titles from pairs expelled from the organization for collusive cheating. The resolution is more far-reaching than previous ones taken by the Board.
The measure states that the ACBL strips all NABC+ titles and second-place finishes from any player partnership, each of whom has, from the date of Aug. 22, 2015, onward, been (1) expelled from the ACBL for any reason; or (2) resigned for the purpose of avoiding possible disciplinary actions; or (3) suspended for ethical violations.
Further, the approved motion strips any NABC+ titles and second-place finishes held by such pairs, or by teams including such pairs, to the first date of any recorded partnership of those pairs in the ACBL.
Such titles and second-place finishes will be recorded in official ACBL records as “Vacated.”
Although the Board considered the additional step of elevating the finishing places of all remaining partnerships in all events (except knockouts) where such titles had been stripped, it ultimately rejected that idea. The standings of all other pairs and teams from affected contests remain unchanged.

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