ACBL Speakeasy

Whether a few minutes or a few hours, watching a video is a terrific way to learn something new. We want to point you to some specific recordings just for bridge players!

October is Club Appreciation Month

We’ll get to the videos in just a minute, but first let us remind you that October is Club Appreciation Month! This special event lets you win upgraded masterpoint awards AND show love for your club (face-to-face only) . Ask your local club manager to learn more.

Watch the Alzheimer’s Association Webinar

TLDIf you missed last month’s webinar from the Alzheimer’s Association on the latest scientific updates (it was just for ACBL members!), we’ve got a recording for you! You can click here to watch the video.

That’s not all the Alzheimer’s Association is doing, though. We are partnering with them to create a virtual support group just for ACBL members who are patients, caretakes and loved ones affected by this horrible disease. Stay tuned for the details.

P.S., All the hard work you did for The Longest Day is the cover story for this month’s Bridge Bulletin.

Website Spotlight: Video Library

Speaking of recordings, have you ever visited our Video Library? The URL is (note the hyphen), and the variety of topics is pretty astounding! Everything from bridge tips to BBO instructions.

One collection we particularly like is Celebrity Speaker. These videos are recordings of the mini-lessons that have been featured in our online tournaments. In fact, the videos from last month’s Fall into Bridge are there!

BridgeWhiz Reminder

Don’t forget to sign up your kids or grandkids for BridgeWhiz. Classes are available on multiple days and times and begin the week of October 17. Registration closes October 11. Visit their website for more info.

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