Get Out of the Way

♠ A 6 4 2
A K 10 8 6
♣ A K Q
♠ Q J 7
A 7 3 2
♣ J 10 9 8 2
West North East South
2 Pass
Pass Dbl Pass 3♣
Pass 3 Pass 3NT
All Pass

In a team game, you find yourself in 3NT after East opens the bidding with a weak 2. Your partner doubles after you and West pass. Your response of 3♣ shows at least 8 high-card points. Against your game, West leads the Q, which is overtaken by East with the king. You play low and East continues with the J. Can you see a way to nine tricks?


The auction was the same at both tables. West led the Q at each table and declarer played low, ducking again when East continued with the J. Both West players led the Q. Each East overtook this with the K, which was allowed to hold by both declarers. The decision point came when the A was played to the next trick. At the first table, declarer took the J with the ace, throwing a diamond from the dummy. After cashing dummy’s three club winners, declarer played the ace and another spade in the hope that West held the ♠K. Alas, East held that card and, after winning the ♠K, he was able to cash out the hearts for a two-trick set.

At the other table, declarer took a different tack and allowed the J to win the trick but, in the process, he did a clever thing when he threw the ♣Q from dummy. East continued with the 10, which was allowed to hold, while the ♣K clubs was discarded from dummy. Hoping for the best, East tried the effect of a fourth round of hearts to declarer’s ace only to see the ♣A jettisoned from dummy. Then declarer cashed five club tricks while pitching three diamonds and two spades from dummy. Five clubs and four tops in the other suits made nine tricks in all.

It would not have benefited East to discontinue the attack on hearts at trick three or trick four. Declarer would win any shift in dummy with the ace of the suit, unblock dummy’s clubs, then lead a low spade to establish an entry to hand for the remaining club winners. The full deal:

♠ A 6 4 2
A K 10 8 6
♣ A K Q
♠ 10 9 8 3
Q 6
J 9 7 2
♣ 7 6 5
♠ K 5
K J 10 9 8 5
Q 5 3
♣ 4 3
♠ Q J 7
A 7 3 2
♣ J 10 9 8 2

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