Episode 26

Hi, my name is John McAllister. I have spent the past six years playing bridge all around the world. My goal is to win a world championship. Doing so requires getting into the minds of the world’s best players.

I can not think of a better, more fun way to do so, than to interview great bridge players and share their insights in podcast format.

Episode 26 – Walt Schafer

On March 13th Walt Schafer began organizing bridge games on BridgeBase in response to the global shutdown. Walt continues to organize what has become known as “The Schafer Game,” selflessly out of his love for bridge. I got to play with the legendary for Bob Hamman for the first time in Walt’s game and we went on to win. Beating Episode 23 guests Finn Kolesnik and Jacob Freeman among others.

A friendship has developed between the two of us thanks to this podcast conversation and I am delighted to share this conversation with a fine player and fellow bridge lover.

Search “The Setting Trick” on your preferred listening platform or click on one of the links below.
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/setting-trick-conversations-world-class-bridge-players/id1345780835
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/john-mcallister-221670174/26-walt-schafer-1

Or read the transcript

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